Withdrawal Symptoms and Activities That Might Help*
* Adapted from Quitting Times: A Magazine for Women Who Smoke, funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Health; prepared by Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia. |
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Mr-Shortcut on High-Powered Shortcuts - our best shortcuts to successThe Godfather of Shortcuts has built for you what may be the world's largest website. It was achieved, as you might expect, with shortcuts, although it is astonishing that he created more than five hundred different unique versions... of each one of five hundred of his better essays, with hundreds of other essays and chapters for which there are only a hundred or so different versions of each. You have hugely untapped resources inside of you, and all around you. That's why we're here. The goal of these Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts, the goal of The Great Secrets Shortcuts, is no more complicated than you tapping just a bit more into the resources at your immediate disposal; the resources that empowered masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires... to get to the top of their ladders. Now it's your turn. Let's go for yours. The more we learn, the more we tend to live, and the more we tend to give. So, let's go for yours. Never, ever, EVER let a day go by without grabbing at least one or two of your daily tasks, and treating it as an opportunity - a special opportunity - to produce at world-class, and you are guaranteed to see better and larger results, quickly. Make the most of your best shortcuts to success. They're free! The fruits are as close as the shortcuts you actually use. Better shortcuts lead to better results. Some PowerGems are concealed. Find them between the lines. Welcome to YOUR potential. With your mind in mind, MisterShortcut |
Losers are people who spend the greatest amounts of their time explaining why it cannot be done.
Winners are people who spend the largest amounts of their time moving to an identified target.
Champions are the Arthur Ashes of the world, who hit a tennis ball 1000x after every meal.
He began before he was ten, and by twelve was never missing a day, even out in the rain.
1000 times the ball went against the wall, after breakfast, after lunch, after dinner, every day.
What made this kid so brilliant is that he persistently looked to see what worked, what did not.
You truly need to shut up, and do whatever it is you are best at (what you most love), to do it more.
Arthur Ashe went on, as you might know, to be considered by experts to be the best player of all time.
Even though Serena Williams and her sister Venus rose to world-class excellence in quite the same way,
the laws of tennis are the same as the secrets and shortcuts of archery, corporate growth, building relations:
Doing it one more time while noting what worked and what did not work is your most basic shortcut and secret.
WaveRings and WingRaves, RingWaves and RaveWings and so many other Great Secrets Shortcuts eyecandies,
as interactively delicious and deliciously interactive as they are, serve to be but sweet enticements.
Uppermost in your mind is the prime purpose of your drinking in these words: acceleration, mastery.
You need no genius or huge underwriting grant to launch yourself into unparalleled excellence.
One more time, one percent better. When you have said it out loud 1,000x, you will know.
If you have ever seen a moron succeed past you, it is because they are expecting more.
Among the greatest secrets of all is that excellence is always a result of choice.
So, in the next 100 minutes, will we see you in mediocrity, or striving higher?
Hahhahaha, no need to tell us, because your actions will speak loudest, hm?
The next 100 minutes of life, a magnificently accurate photo of YOU.
Live The Great Secrets Shortcuts, for at least one hundred minutes.
The Great Secrets Shortcuts urges you to teach yourself the secrets of how to quit smoking cigarettes or whatever. No one can force us. For those of with thirty and forty years of smoking under the belt, it can be quite challenging. Finding other people who quit smoking forever is another great trick, because they know good tricks for quitting. Not all of them, but, still, there are a few here and there somewhere in your life who know quitting methods... "know" as in really know, from personal experience, because those who do tend to know best how. This applies to quitting smoking forever, it applies to building a home-based business interest... in fact, you will find that this is a universal secret of success in every human endeavor! Find those who are doing it better than you, and you have found your best teachers. Get it from the horse's mouth, or find yourself caught at the wrong end of the horse. Thanks to the NIH staffers, the true grunting ground-workers who research for us. That means for all of us, all around the world. Learn more so you can live more. - The Great Secrets Shortcuts |