
The Great Secrets Shortcuts of Masters and Champions

Welcome to the biggest empowerment website on the planet

Count millions of unique pages carefully crafted for your self-empowerment.
Designed particularly for you in the belief that you were born to excel

These are the wonderful shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions & billionaires.

Far Beyond "Rah! Rah!" - The Great Secrets Shortcuts Multiplies Mind Activity

Click up to the top of this Great Secrets Shortcuts page

Far less about rah-rah motivation than a practical application of the science of shortcuts,
The Great Secrets Shortcuts makes it easier to engage in several tasks simultaneously,
and, even sweeter, obtaining repeat benefits from the commission of a single act.
The more you repeat what causes the multi-layered return, the more you attain.

Rah-rah motivation has its place, for an excited mind always and without fail improves.
Even when our improvement is just one percent, it's enough for you to observe, and replicate.
Any one percent profit that is thrown back into the pot can grow into a hundred, a thousand, or more.


Silent giving, such as clicking on the free food buttons, is a perfect example of Newton's Third Law of physics.

Silent giving is one of the most delicious secrets of all time, thanks to its universality.
What goes around must come around, so you have to ask how much you give.
It's not about money. In your head, you have thoughts about helpless people.
You have opinions about animals or marine life with limited defense systems.
Your actions and your mouth are in synchronicity, or they are not. We see.

H. Ross Perot correctly identified the difference between a demonstrator and an activist.
He said that the activist is the one rolling up their pants and wading into the filthy river to clean it.

Whether your actions and your proclamations match, we can see by the actions you most often repeat.

These are the most critical photographs of your life, you know; what you repeat most does and will define you.

Every second, there is a camera recording your thoughts, words, and actions.
After sleep, eating, hygiene, you get 50,000 discretionary seconds per day.
You call them "seconds," whereas The Great Secrets Shortcuts examines the obverse.
Conventional wisdom proves in a majority of occasions to be the lesser choice, so count more.
ALWAYS count more: more opportunities, more minutes, and more seconds that are your images.
Rather than considering 50,000 seconds, The Great Secrets Shortcuts urges you to see 50,000 opportunities.
Did you ever imagine such a thing? Fifty thousand separate opportunities, and history is counting each one of yours.

this largest web site ever created by a human being is designed exclusively for you to produce far more, and better results, quickly and effectively through the use of shortcuts developed and used by literally hundreds of thousands of masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaires

There are no shortcuts for those who break new ground, until they develop those shortcuts over time.

For all who follow, shortcuts are plentiful and instantly useful.

Live more, live better, through the use of PowerGems, the powerful shortcuts of achievers and champions along with millionaires and billionaires that we refer to as The Great Secrets Shortcuts.

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      The Great Secrets Shortcuts        

The Great Secrets Shortcuts is the biggest empowerment website on the Web.
Shortcuts and shortcuts of of winners and leaders, role models and champions.
      Role models Use The Great Secrets Shortcuts to achieve success faster with shortcuts      
Remind yourself that the Great Secrets Shortcuts is already alive inside of you.
